Create personalized follow-up at scale with our powerful marketing automation tools

Smart automation takes care of the important tasks no one else has time for.

Close 2X more deals from the seller leads you're already generating

Most of the deals you're going to close will come from leads you generated 3 - 6 months ago. If you don't follow up, you're losing out on 60% of your potential deals.

A visual workflow builder that's a joy to use

Use our visual workflow builder to create beautiful customer experiences that build "know, like, and trust" with your motivated sellers, cash buyers, rental prospects, or any other type of lead.


Personalized follow-up at scale

Never lose another deal due to poor follow-up ever again. Create automated lead nurture campaigns that follow up with your leads via text message, email, and ringless voicemail.

Thousands of real estate investors use REI BlackBook to accelerate their growth

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Send the right message to the right person at the right time

Smart routing allows you to create personalized experiences base on the previous behavior of your contacts.

Send important contact data to 3rd part apps

Link the deals in your property pipeline to the seller, buyer, lender, and any other contact involved in the deal. Assign tasks to your team to follow up with leads, book appointments, make offers, market your deals, and more.


"I don't think there's anything better than real estate and REI BlackBook makes the process a whole lot easier."

Matt Theriault

Epic Real Estate | Las Vegas, NV

"Over 60% of our deals come from following up. REI BlackBook is our competitive advantage and helps us close deals that we otherwise would have lost."

Andy Werner

Oak Street Properties | Phoenix, AZ

REI BlackBook makes me look like a superstar. About 5 hours combined time spent on 2 wholesale assignments resulting in 2 $10,000 checks. REI BlackBook has changed the game!

Margie Cromwell

Cleveland, OH

"I didn't have to reinvent the wheel. I just had to push it up the hill a bit. If your goal is to do multiple deals over...and over...and over again and have a system, move forward and pull the trigger with REI BlackBook.

Able Pacheco

5 Talents Wealth, Inc. | San Antonio, TX

Get Started with REI BlackBook Today

Get started today and get 14 days free access


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  • andy-wright

    Without REI BlackBook we would not have gotten as far as we have as fast as we have. It is an invaluable swiss army knife for our business.

    Andy Wright
    Mountain Shamrock Properties