Use This Simple Worksheet When Choosing a Domain Name for Your Real Estate Investor Website


We register a LOT of domains for real estate investors here at REI BlackBook and one question we are often asked is…

“How do I choose the right domain for my website?”

The short answer is that you want to choose a domain name that instantly communicates what you do to prospective sellers and buyers.

The long answer is…

(NOTE:  We have created a worksheet that you can use to create your domain name.  You can access it at the end of this article.)

7 Tips to Choosing a Domain Name For Your Real Estate Investor Website

Be sure to read this article in full to answer all of your questions when buying your first domain name for your real estate investing business.

You can also watch this short video that will walk you through all the tips to select the perfect domain name.

Need help choosing a domain name for your website? Watch this short video for tips to help you select the perfect one!

1. Make it easy to type – Steer clear of words that are difficult to spell or don't follow the typical rules of the English language.  (Why in the heck is the word ‘ancient‘ spelled that way?  My 6th-grade teacher always said, “I before E, except after C.”  🙁

2. Make it as short as possible – A good rule of thumb is to keep your domain name three words or less.  (Apparently, a guy registered this domain name: and then tried to get a Guinness world record out of it.  The Guinness people were not impressed:

Guinness World Record Email - Longest Domain Name

3. Make it local – Unless you are buying and selling real estate nationally (or internationally!), your domain should contain some indication of the market in which you are buying and selling.

4.  Avoid hyphens – Ever seen a domain name like this?:  It looks spammy and amateurish.  Don't be that guy (or gal.) 🙂

5.  Register the .com – And forget the rest — for now.  When your real estate business is rolling you can go register the .net, .org, and .ninja if you want. (Yep, .ninja is a domain extension and it's awesome.)

6.  Use keywords – There is some search engine optimization (SEO) benefit to having keywords in your domain — although not as much as there used to.  The better reason to use keywords like real estate, property, home, investor, etc. in your domain name is so prospective sellers and buyers will understand exactly what you do.

7. Act fast – Domain names are just like the real estate you are investing in.  Once they are bought — they are bought.  When you find the domain name you want, buy it.  Click here to see exactly how to register your domain in REI BlackBook.

[Worksheet] A Simple 3-Step Process for Choosing the Right Domain Name

Alright, now that you know the 7 tips to keep in mind while choosing your domain name, let's get busy building some domain names.

Worksheet for Choosing a Real Estate Investor Domain Name

To do that, you'll want to download this worksheet:

To use the worksheet, you'll follow these 3 easy steps:

Step 1 – Fill out your STATE, STATE abbreviated, CITY, CITY abbreviated, and LAST NAME in the PREFIX column.

Step 2 – Write combinations of the PREFIX + ROOT + SUFFIX in the spaces provided to create a variety of possible domain names for your REI business.  For example, STL (my city abbreviated) + PROPERTY + SOLUTIONS would give me as a possible domain name for my business.

Step 3 – Check your domain names for availability inside of REI BlackBook. Click here to see exactly how to register your domain in REI BlackBook.

That's it!  I challenge you to take bold and courageous action RIGHT NOW.  Choose a domain name and register it in REI BlackBook to start the process of getting your business online.

What You Should Do Now:

  1. Get started with REI Blackbook for FREE: Get 14 days FREE access to our software and start converting more leads into deals.
  2. If you'd like to learn the exact strategies our power users are implementing to generate motivated seller leads consistently, check out our Motivated Seller Guide.
  3. If you'd like to learn how our team can build out your REI Blackbook system FOR you, head to our implementation page.
  4. If you know another real estate investor who'd enjoy reading this page, share it with them via email, Linkedin, Twitter or Facebook.

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  • andy-wright

    Without REI BlackBook we would not have gotten as far as we have as fast as we have. It is an invaluable swiss army knife for our business.

    Andy Wright
    Mountain Shamrock Properties