Follow-Up Strategies To Increase Your Real Estate Lead Conversion


In the real estate industry, it's no secret that lead generation is the lifeblood of your business. But did you know that an effective follow-up strategy is the #1 way to improve your real estate lead conversion and close more deals?

Many investors think that the best and easiest way to drive more deals is to pour more money into their marketing budget.

While that's an effective mode of lead generation, it's basically like putting a band-aid on a broken leg;

If you don't fix the holes in your business systems, it doesn't matter how many initial conversations you have with your online leads (or wherever you're generating them from,) you're sending your buyer and seller leads into a leaky sales bucket.

leaky bucket illustrating why a solid follow-up strategy is so crucial for real estate lead conversion

Why having a follow-up strategy is crucial to your real estate business

I want you to think for a moment about your own habits around follow-up.

About how many times do you follow up with a lead before you give up?

Statistically, most sales reps give up after 2 attempts.

Why is that a glaring issue?

Because 50% of all sales are made after the 5th point of contact.

That means if you're not consistently following up… you're leaving a lot of business on the table.

Why most investors don't follow up

Generally, real estate investors don't follow up consistently for 1 of 3 reasons:

They don't know what to say and/or don't know what method to use to follow up.

They don't want to sound “salsey” – When you craft your message in the right way, it doesn't come off as “salesy”, but naturally and conversational.

They simply forgot/didn't have time – this issue really boils down to a lack of proper systems in place to keep your business running in a smooth and streamlined fashion.

Related: How to Convert Motivated Seller Leads Into Deals

How REI BlackBook can help with your real estate lead conversion

Here at REI BlackBook, we're all about creating solutions to simplify and streamline running your real estate business, no matter where you're at in your investor journey.

In fact, our CEO and Founder, Damon Remy often refers to REI BlackBook as the “Lamborghini” of real estate software.

We've built incredible tools around contact management, email marketing and other marketing automation, inbound and outbound business phone calls and text messages, deal management and more, however, our community was still struggling with what to say and how to say it when they got a seller on the phone.

So, we've developed a free resource to help real estate investors like you called The Perfect Follow-Up System.

One of our users, Bryan Martineau implemented this exact system recently:

“We locked up 3 deals with these REI BlackBook follow-up campaigns from leads we thought were dead. One of these deals is going to net us a $62,000 assignment fee.”

Bryan Martineau, REI Blackbook user and investor

(You can read more about Bryan's story here.**)

Want to put this exact follow up strategy to work in your business?

Download your free copy of the Perfect Follow Up System Playbook today:

Link to free download of the Perfect Follow Up System from REI BlackBook.

What You Should Do Now:

  1. Get started with REI Blackbook for FREE: Get 14 days FREE access to our software and start converting more leads into deals.
  2. If you'd like to learn the exact strategies our power users are implementing to generate motivated seller leads consistently, check out our Motivated Seller Guide.
  3. If you'd like to learn how our team can build out your REI Blackbook system FOR you, head to our implementation page.
  4. If you know another real estate investor who'd enjoy reading this page, share it with them via email, Linkedin, Twitter or Facebook.

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  • andy-wright

    Without REI BlackBook we would not have gotten as far as we have as fast as we have. It is an invaluable swiss army knife for our business.

    Andy Wright
    Mountain Shamrock Properties