How to Streamline your Property Disposition with a Qualified Cash Buyers List


In today's video, you're going to learn how to build a qualified cash buyers list so you can streamline your property disposition process and sell your deals faster (and for higher profits).

Who's Teaching Me About Building a Cash Buyers List?

This is a segment from a training event we did this past year with real estate investor and REI BlackBook power user, Rob Heyder.

Rob is one of the highest-volume real estate wholesalers in the Midwest, and this year alone, his company is going to close over 400 deals.

They're able to operate this way because they have a streamlined process to take their wholesale properties from under contract, to getting them out to their list of cash buyers (and making sure they have a qualified list of potential cash buyers to market to).

Impressive as that is, it wasn't always the case…

Rob came to us a few years ago when he was really looking to ramp up his business around wholesale deals. We helped him build out his systems inside of REI BlackBook and in this video, he talks about the benefits his business has gotten from really focusing on the disposition side of what they do.

Doing so helped to remove a big bottleneck his company had been experiencing and it's allowed them to double and then triple the number of deals they were able to sell.

Watch this video to understand the tremendous power of having a streamlined system to sell your properties and how to go about building a list for your own business:

But What if I'm Only Doing a Few Wholesale Deals Per Month?

In this video, Rob talks about how even a small-scale wholesaling business can really benefit from focusing on disposition systems.

For example, there were a lot of deals that Rob and his team used to pass up on that they now get under contract and sell because they have more qualified buyers on the back end.

This includes deals that they used to pass up on because they were a little “skinny” (meaning they didn't have enough profit in them,) that they are now able to find cash buyers for because they've done the work of building a list of qualified leads.

Want to Use the Same Exact Tools Rob Uses to Disposition Your Wholesale Deals?

Click the link to start your 14-day FREE trial of REI BlackBook.

Click here to activate your free 14 day trial of REI BlackBook

What You Should Do Now:

  1. Get started with REI Blackbook for FREE: Get 14 days FREE access to our software and start converting more leads into deals.
  2. If you'd like to learn the exact strategies our power users are implementing to generate motivated seller leads consistently, check out our Motivated Seller Guide.
  3. If you'd like to learn how our team can build out your REI Blackbook system FOR you, head to our implementation page.
  4. If you know another real estate investor who'd enjoy reading this page, share it with them via email, Linkedin, Twitter or Facebook.

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  • Close More Deals – Use AI tools to quickly spot and lock in the best opportunities.
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Epic Real Estate | Las Vegas, NV

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The Real Estate Goddess

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Freedom Heights Investments

"REI BlackBook automation is always working for me. I love the automated follow-up and getting texts from sellers out of nowhere."


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Mountain Shamrock Properites

"Before REI BlackBook, we struggled to keep up with leads and missed out on deals. Now, everything’s in one place, and we’re closing faster than ever. It’s like having an extra team member we can always count on."